Monday, February 24, 2014

Which are you?

Civilization is made up of leaders, followers, inventors and peacemakers.  Which are you?  Give examples of the qualities you have that make you a leader, follower, inventor or peacemaker.  Four to five sentences.


  1. Hello my name is carl

  2. Emily Potemri:
    I would fall under the leader catagory. Personally, I would start projects and finish them my way. I am very well at leading a team to victory and making sure others do their part. I can keep everyone's opinions in mind and make sure that in the end, I am doing my job. I would be a leader because I am very independent and show lotsof respect to others following my lead.

    1. this is very well written-Vanessa

    2. Emily Potemri:
      Thanks Vanessa!

    3. No problem! definitely a leader. Go you!!-Vanessa

  3. Jennamarie O'Neill

    I am a peacemaker in my opinion because I always try and make sure that everyone around me is happy and satisfied. I do not like trouble and hatefullness, I would much rather promote peace. I enjoy reasuring peace and order in people.I also like being an example of respect by showing other people ways they could be a better citizen. looking at all these aspects, it portreys the peacemaker side of me.

  4. Hey my name is anthony G

  5. Amber Almeida,
    I am a a leader and a peace maker, because i do not like to follow trends or what everyone else is doing. I do not just do what ever i am told i always think things through and make sure I am doing the right thing. I also consider myself a peacemaker because i like to help people with there issues, I am really good at settling stupid fights and helping two or more people come to an agreement or compromise. I would like to think of myself as both these things but everyone has there own opinion and even though someone may display qualities or a leader or a peacemaker that does not mean that they do not follow what others are doing or saying every once and awhile. It also means that because your a peacemaker does not mean you do not start fights or act immature. Sometimes people can be pushed to be the opposite of what they are, to make them do bad things and make bad choices.

  6. Jennamarie O'Neill

    I am a peacemaker in my opinion because I always try and make sure that everyone around me is happy and satisfied. I do not like trouble and hatefullness, I would much rather promote peace. I enjoy reasuring peace and order in people.I also like being an example of respect by showing other people ways they could be a better citizen. looking at all these aspects, it portreys the peacemaker side of me.

  7. leader because I like to control lots of stuff but to be honest i am probably follower because i hate hard work and it is a lot easier to follow to lead but one i will be a leader

  8. Vanessa
    I am a peacemaker because i believe that i am calm,never mad and influence other people to be happy. When someone is feeling angry i tell them to breathe and calm down because no one is worth the anxiety. I am led to believe that when your're happy, life's better.

  9. Jessica Brierly
    out of all of these i am a peacemaker. I am a peacemaker because I am able to make a compromise in different situations that i am in. If my friends have a problem they know that im always there to help. I am a usually happy person so i can make decisions that help others for the better. this is why i am a peace maker.

  10. Jordan Hill

    I am a peacemaker in my opinion because I always try and make sure that everyone around me is happy and satisfied. I do not like trouble and hatefullness, I would much rather promote peace. I enjoy reasuring peace and order in people.I also like being an example of respect by showing other people ways they could be a better citizen. looking at all these aspects, it portreys the peacemaker side of me.

  11. Anthony
    I am a leader because I like to control lots of stuff but to be honest i am probably follower because i hate hard work and it is a lot easier to follow to lead but one i will be a leader

  12. im a leader because im not a follower, im my own leader, some people follow me and i help people with or without my followers

  13. Jesse A.
    I'm somewhat of a leader and a follower because I go with the flow with most things but I also get involved if things get bad. I tend to lead the way for people who need it. I'm not really an inventor because I don't really care, and I'm only a peacemaker if things get really dumb.

  14. Im a leader because i dont follow people

  15. Richard Gingras
    I believe that at this point in age we could be considered both leaders and followers. I say this because we are leaders to the grades below us they should look up to us and we should lead them to success. We are also followers because we also look up to our elders and friends.

  16. Max
    I am a leader because I lead people. I show characteristics of a leader like being able to make decisions on the spot and showing people the right way to do things. I show them the way.

  17. Cyane
    I am a peacemaker because I am good with helping my friends compromise with there situations. I believe that fighting cant always solve problems

  18. Emily:
    I would fall under the category of leader. I believe that I am leader because i do not follow in other peoples footsteps and I do not make bad decisions. I think that I would make good decisions for the group that I am leading and I will show my respect to others. I will lead them in the right direction so they can get to where they want to be. i personally believe i would make a great leader.

  19. Rachel Holmes,
    I think I am a peacemaker and a leader because I would not follow everybody into what they are doing, I would do my own thing and think what is better for me and my "followers". I think I am a peacemaker because when two or more people are either arguing or disagreeing with each other I would try to help fix it or make them communicate with together so they might be able to understand each others view of things.

  20. jordan A
    I consider myself a inventor I like to use materials to make stuff that benefits me. I've gotten to become good at making things and thinking of things to make using what I have.
