Would you, as King, leave your throne to marry a woman who doesn't meet the royal expectations of your country?

Would you give up your parents, friends and siblings to go off with someone they consider undesirable?
If you had to choose between your parents and a love interest, who would win?
What kinds of sacrifices are reasonable when it comes to love? Is there a limit on what you are willing to give up for your true love?
Share your thoughts before Thursday, February 27, 12 noon.
When in love, a couple often has to make sacrifices and compromise with and for each other. If the couple is truly in love with one another, no sacrifice is too big, no compromise is too difficult. If choosing between my parents and a love interest, I would choose my parents because if it’s simply a love interest, it won’t last forever. However, if obligated to choose between my parents and my true love, I would choose my true love because you only have one soul mate, and if you let them slip out of your grasp, they’re gone. Perhaps they’ll come back (like the old saying, “If you love something set if free…”), and if they do, great. But if you keep choosing your parents over and over again, your soul mate will eventually disappear for good. There’s a special bond between parent and child, commonly referred to as ‘unconditional love’. This means that no matter what happens, the parent will always love their child and vice versa. So even in choosing your true love over your soul mate, you wouldn’t truly be losing your parents. Regarding whether or not I would leave my friends and family behind for someone I truly love because they don’t approve, it depends. Personally, I don’t think I really need my friends and family’s approval on the person I fall in love with, but I wouldn’t necessarily run away with them unless it was evident that the love was completely mutual. And honestly, I’m not sure if I would give up being royal or famous. Although that sounds greedy, I’ve never experienced either, nor have I found my true love. I do believe, however, that there is no true limit on what one should be willing to sacrifice for a true love.
DeletePeople do crazy things for love. But the question is, what really can be considered crazy when one is doing it for love? Parents don’t always approve but I don’t feel that their children’s love life should be in their control, once they’re old enough to make their own choices. Especially if the reasons the parents have against their child’s love interest are biased. The person in the relationship would be the one to know if they were truly in love and if they were, they should be able to be with the one they love. It’s not fair to either of them if they are kept apart. If a parent truly cared for their child, they wouldn’t make them choose between them and their love interest. Why should someone be sad for the rest of their lives because they missed out on the love of their life, just to make their parents happy? Also, I don’t think that someone’s true love would force them to give up their friends or family either; if they did they wouldn’t be putting their lover first, and that wouldn’t be true love. However, if in order to be with someone you had to give up your friends and family maybe because they lived too far away or something like that, I think I would do it. I mean, you only have one chance for a love like that and it would be the biggest, most important thing in your life. Sacrifice would be worth it.
*this is not a reply to Kathryn's, I must have hit the wrong thing.
DeleteMatthew Krawetz
ReplyDeleteSomething that I’ve heard is that you fall in love more than once, and it’ll be just as amazing as the first time or maybe as painful, but it happens more than once. I would be willing to give up anything for my love unless it contained losing my family or friends. If I was a king and I met someone that didn’t meet the expectations of my country, I would give up my throne only if I knew she was the one because love is more important than the title of king. If I was a film star and I met someone who was my soul mate I would give up my career to go with her because I can always get another job, but I can’t find another soul mate. I would never give up my family for someone that I loved because to me, my family’s input is important and if they don’t like someone, I would be separate from my family and I don’t feel that is right. My parents no matter what would win between them and a love interest because my family means the world to me, and someone my parents don’t like is someone I couldn’t like. I can always find a new love interest, but I can never get a new family. To me sacrifices I could give up would include giving up something like a job, or having to give up small things that won’t make a difference to me if I lose them. I could never give up my family, friends, or things that would change my life such as things I wear or say.
Emily Fernandes
ReplyDeleteI think that loving someone isn't okay if your parents necessarily don't love that one guy/girl. I think anyone should feel pressured to choose a soul mate based on their parents likes and dislikes. If you feel the need to marry someone and you are old enough to know that you truly love him and that you know he loves you back, your parents shouldn't shut you out of their lives just because they don't love that person. Because you found your soul mate and if you love your parents and they love you, they should be willing enough to make the sacrifice to still keep you an active part of their lives. If I were a princess and the next heir for the throne, and I found my soul mate who was not eligible for the throne, I would give up my position because (a) I am not responsible enough to even take care of a dog never mind a kingdom, and (b) I know that the perfect guy for me is the one and only guy for me. If I were famous, I would also give up my job because I would probably hate all the attention and because I wouldn't be able to think about anything else about my guilt if I did take a job over being with my one and only true love. If I had to choose between my family and friends and my true love, I would choose my true love. the truth is that I have already spent the majority of my life with my family and friends, and if they really did love me, they wouldn't care about my choices because the are MY choices, and they don't have to worry about them. Plus, if they really do love me and care, wouldn't they already have known about my type?
Matthew Mardo:
ReplyDeleteLove is a unique emotion that is unlike anything else. This feeling, as a result from a bond between two people, can cause extreme actions, sacrifices, and decisions. When answering all of the questions being asked, it is hard to make the proper decision due to the fact that I personally have never experienced the extreme feelings from love and therefore would have to base my decisions on what I believe love is like and how good it is based on depictions, such as film. If in the role as king, I would make the decision to leave the throne and pursue my love with another who does not meet royal expectations. Position as king is desired by others but leaving it for a woman so I can marry her and therefore experience love is perhaps a more desired position by others to be in. If she does not meet the royal expectations, however my individual opinion says that she is worthy or perfect, then I would leave the throne for mutual love. If in the role as a famous film star, I would leave the fame, depending on how long I had experienced the fame and my opinion on whether it is corrupting or enjoyable, for the true happiness that would come with the love with my soul mate. The fact that no one remembers me or I am not famous will not bother me because I will have the true happiness that is sought after from the mutual love with my soul mate. In terms of giving up my family, friends, and siblings, it depends on whether “giving up” is meaning to lose my family, friends, and siblings forever or “giving up” as in not listening to their disapproval and using my own opinion. Overall, I guess I would go with the person that is my love that they consider undesirable, depending on why the person is undesirable in my family and other’s opinion. The emotion and experience of love seems too strong to just let go and abandon rather than sacrifice for it. Choosing between a love interest and my parents, the love interest would win because I would have formed my own opinion. My parents would most likely see it my way and learn to like my love interest, wanting what is best for me and what makes me happy. In terms of sacrifices for love, there is no unreasonable sacrifice other than crimes like murder or suicide if the love is genuine. The problem is that “love is blinding” and that is why others may try to persuade you with their opinions to see it their way which in some cases may be right when you are too blinded by the love. For genuine love, almost any sacrifice should be made if it is for the best for both people. With love and giving up things with sacrifices, it is important to remember to care for yourself, doing what you want, and what is best for you also. Essentially, there is a limit with control as to what should be sacrificed for the purpose of love. Love can have great risks that may bring the ultimate reward of the happiness that is achieved, however it is a dangerous emotion to play with.
Connor Sheehan
ReplyDeleteBeing in love is a tremendous feeling that is more extravagant and exciting than any other feeling. Although in the end one can get hurt from love, tasting the experience of love is worth it. When it comes to sacrificing things for love, there is no right answer as it varies for every human being. I believe that if the love is true you can give up mostly everything for that person with the exception of family. Your love is supposed to be the most important person and thing in the world, so sacrificing things for the significant other might become necessary. Of course this is only done when you know that he or she is the one. At the same time, however, even your true love cannot be your whole life. There has to be other aspects to your life. It is even possible to lose your true love. If your true love is almost everything to you and you lose that person, it feels like everything is lost. So to answer the question, sacrificing and giving up things for your true love depends on how strong the love is and how much the other values in life matter to you. If your life can stay similar even with the addition of a loved one, then do not change it. You do not want to lose your life and yourself along the road to loving someone, even if it is your true love. But, nobody wants to lose their true love, so compromising with different parts of your life might be a good idea to keep them with you for as long as you can.
Anna Wahl :
ReplyDeleteWhen in love, people do some crazy things, but where is the line drawn? Personally, if I was truly in love I feel I would not do just anything for a person. However, I feel as though I have never truly been in love and so I have to wonder how I would feel when I am. My guess is my view on some of these questions would be different. On the other hand I think it also depends on the situation. If I was a ruler of a country, I would not leave the throne for an unaccepted citizen. As a leader you have to set an example. By marrying a person who does not meet the expectations of the country, that is telling everyone in the country they should do the exact same thing. If I was a movie star I would not give up all my success for love. That's pretty dumb if you ask me. You take a chance with love and I do not feel it's worth giving up everything for something that is unpredictable. If I was in love with someone my parents don't like, I honestly don't know what I would do because I would want to please everyone. However, if I had to choose between my love and my parents I would choose my parents. My family has guided me this far in life to trust what they are saying. You know what they say, friends come and go but family is forever. I know that sounds selfish and greedy, but it could be due to having not experienced true love. Also, I believe there is a limit as to what you would sacrifice for your love. I'm not sure as to where I would say I would not sacrifice something, but I honestly believe everyone has something they are not willing to sacrifice.
victoria lane:
ReplyDeleteLove effects every individual diffrently. When in "love" the individual feels like nothing could be better and they will do anything to keep the feeling of love alive. We all like to believe that it will last forever and in some/most cases it will. However your family is the people that have loved you from day one and no matter what will always have a special love for you. They have raised you and gave you there all to be the best parents they can be and show you how to love and I do not think you should throw that away to keep the love you have found when it may not last forever. If you and the partner truly love each other then you will not have to give up on the people that also love you or give up on things you love to do because if it is true love you can let it go and he/she will come back to you. Coming from a 14 year old it is hard to give my thoughts on this topic becuase I have never been in love but using my feelings of now I dont think personally I would give up everything for a person or for love because my family will always love me threw out everything and was the first to love me.
Sean Doris
ReplyDeleteWhen people are in love they often make great sacrifices to be with the person they are in love with. In my opinion I believe that no sacrifice is too big. However, if the person want you to change your life completely then I don’t think you should make the sacrifice because obviously they don’t truly love you. In addition, if they make you leave your family for them. But if there was any other sacrifice then I would make the sacrifice. Therefore, if there was a girl who didn’t meet my countries standards and I was a king I would leave my throne to marry her because I would rather be happily married to the person that I want to with the chance on being poor than being king and being miserable. Also, if I was to choose the difference between my friends and family or the person I think that I would choose my family. Even though the person that you love is really important and should treat them the best you can I still think family comes first because they will always be there for you no matter. Although, I think that family comes first I also think that family shouldn’t always come first in every situation. This is why even though there are always great sacrifices when it comes to love there is a limit to the sacrifices you make for love.
Tyler Balon:
ReplyDeleteFor relationships to work, couples must learn to compromise and be understanding of the situation at hand. It is unfair for one party to totally surrender all their desires for the one who they think is "the one." The other person in your relationship should be willing to compromise for you because love is mutual. In the case of family, if your parents don't accept the one you believe to be the one, they too will have to compromise because their happiness should derive from you being happy yourself. In the end, you can't be sure if "the one" truly even exists. With a world population of seven billion, it is hard to imagine that you wouldn't be able to find someone who cares about you as much as you care for them. With this in mind, love isn't about what you will give up, rather than what you're willing to compromise.
Rebecca Brierly
ReplyDeleteLove is a strong emotion that can make some people sacrifice many things. But is your true love worth sacrificing everything for? In my opinion, the answer is yes. It most occasions I believe your true love is worth it. If I were a King and I had to make the decision whether or not I should leave the throne for someone that doesn't meet the standards of the country I would definitely give up the throne. I wouldn't care what other people thought of the person and I would trust my view of my true love. I believe love is more important than having power as a king. If I had to make a choice between a glamorous career or an insulated life with my lover I would choose the insulated life. A career as a film star is a one in a life time chance but if you truly believe that this is the person you love then you should be willing to give up some things for something more important. You could always get another job and be just as happy and still have your soul mate. If I had to choose between my parents, friends, and sibling and a life with someone they consider undesirable I would not know what to do. Obviously my friends and family are very important to me, but someone I love is very important to me also. I am very persistent when it comes to making my own views of a person. I believe I personally should have a reason to dislike someone rather than my family or friends just giving me a reason. Everyone should get a chance. I would try to mediate the situation and make everyone happy, if I have true feeling for this person they would have to understand. When it comes to your true love it really depends on what you sacrifice. Love has many risks that can be rewarding but it is important not to go over board and sacrifice everything when the love is not true.
Erika Jeffers
ReplyDeleteWhen two people are madly "in love", they often feel extreme emotions for one another, and the heart often overthrows the mind. These two people make large sacrifices for one another, however a common question remains what is too much of a sacrifice? From friends to family, from jobs to extracurricular activities, and in extreme cases, life itself, people in love make a wide variety of sacrifice. Although it is healthy and helpful to make small sacrifices to build a strong and healthy relationship, too much of a sacrifice is unhealthy. For example, if you have a temper, it would be healthy to sacrifice this temper for your relationship in order to make it work. However, if you felt as though you needed to sacrifice your life for your relationship, that would be unhealthy. In the end, relationships are only successful when basic compromise takes place(with no extreme actions resulting).
When two people are in love with each other, no sacrifice is too great, or no compromise is too difficult for them. If I was in charge of a kingdom as a queen, I wouldn’t leave my throne for my true love. In all honesty, when you are in charge of a kingdom, you have to make decisions based around that in order to achieve what is best for your kingdom. If I was queen, then there is nothing constricting me from bringing my true love into my castle anyway, regardless of who my true love is, as well as where they came from. If love is there, then nothing can brake that bond. Also, if I had to chose between my career of being a film star to be with my true love, I would chose the film making business. If you are in love with someone, and they love you back just as much or maybe more, than you should be able to make compromises to be with them. If being an actress is my passion and pride in my workplace, than my true love shouldn’t want to take that away from me. Therefore, a compromise could be made instead. Love isn’t a one way street, and it doesn’t revolve around one person in a relationship. If I had to choose between my parents and my love interest, I would choose my parents. My parents have been there for me throughout my life and they always have my back. I wouldn’t be able to turn my back on them if I walked away from them with a person that I believe is the love of my life, especially after everything they have done for me. I believe that sacrifices are always made when being in love with someone, but it’s your decision if you want to make those sacrifices. Like I had said earlier, love isn’t a one way street. The other person in the relationship should listen to what you have to say about a certain situation, and vice versa, to make a full rounded decision. I believe that there is a limit on what you are willing to give up for you true love. Honestly, it seems like people fall in love too quickly these days, and I give people a ton of credit when they don’t allow their partner to completely take over their lives together. You have to have a back bone in a relationship or you will end up loosing the ones that you truly love in this world, such as your friends and family. Love is weird feeling, and in this society, it seems like one person is in control of the relationship at times, especially given these situations. Overall, love is love, but I wouldn’t be willing to give up everything that I truly love for a person that I may not know as well as I had thought.
ReplyDeleteJordan Delisle Period G
If I had to chose between my parents and a love interest I would choose my parents because it honestly value their opinion and they would openly talk about any issues they had with the love interest. My parents are reasonable and would be much more reasonable than I would if my mind was clouded with a love interest. Only so much can be sacrificed for love. Reasonable sacrifices range between giving up your time and giving up personal desires. It's unreasonable to give up your own life for someone meaning taking your life. This is different from saving the person you love's life by dying like taking a bullet for them. It also becomes unreasonable or reaches it's limit when you become angry and resentful. Love is limited when you lose yourself and become someone or something you're not. I could never be asked to give up my family either because even if there were a love interest, I love my family also and that won't ever change and no one can ask or force me to change that and no one can ask me to leave them all behind. A love interest could be someone who might not last and your love for them could potentially change. I wouldn't take the risk of leaving my family for someone I may only be temporarily infatuated with.
ReplyDeleteAidan Enright Period G
ReplyDeleteI think happiness is one of the most important things in life. Life just isn't worth living if you don't do what you enjoy and make the best with what your given. Sure there is always a fine line between enjoyment and recklessness but to feel like you made the best with the time you are given the compromises between progress and opportunity, should always have a tipped scale to opportunities. I feel like the saying "if you love something let it go" is exactly how parents need to take into consideration when love interests become present in their sons or daughters life or lives. A parent needs to give as much knowledge and experience to their child as they can and only after that can they learn from their own mistakes. Happiness as where happiness goes and parents should allow their children to follow that path with a loving hand always ready. With all of this in mind their are many sacrifices that have to be made for love but the most important of all is pride and attachment. A couple has to be forthright with each other even if that means throwing away their pride or their embarrassment because no matter what if they arnt forthright the relationship is not bound last long. A foundation built on lies will fall many more times than a foundation built on honesty and trust. Lastly the parents of the couples in question also have to give up their pride and attachment to their child. Only experience can teach the young and even if it is against the parents instincts in every way to allow their child to see someone they disprove of it may just as well work out best that way.
Jenn Salvadore, Period G
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to being in love, no sacrifice is too big and no situation is difficult to get through. I feel that if one is madly in love and they truly know that their partner is their soul mate, many scarifies should be made to keep the love alive. If I was the ruler of a country, I would leave my throne to marry my love interest without question. The same goes for if I was a film star. I would rather be happy with the one I love rather than have materialistic things. Also, I believe that there is one person that you belong with and fate decides who that is. So, why would one walk away from that? Why would one take something like a movie role over someone they love and could never get back? On a very different topic, if I had to choose between my soul mate or my family and friends, I would choose my soul mate, because they would be the one that I plan to spend the rest of my life with. However, I will always love my parents and family members no matter what circumstance (“unconditional love”). It also depends on the situation. If by “give up your parents and family”, do you mean not listen to what they think about your love and if they like them or not, or do you mean lose your parents forever? Well, if you mean not listen to them, then yes. I would not listen to their opinion because it would be up to me on who I would want to be with and they would end up agreeing with me and accepting it for what it is. However, if you mean losing them forever, then obviously if the person i’m willing to sacrifice all the things listed above expects me to just give up my family like that and never see them or speak to them again, then they don’t truly love me. I would never expect my soul mate to do that and neither should they. All in all, I believe that, if two people are truly in love, then there is no limit to how much you sacrifice for them, but they should not expect too much and they should be happy with you and the fact that you are willing to give up most things that you care about.
Nicole Carpenter
ReplyDeleteIt is not uncommon for couples to make sacrifices in order to stay together. However, there is a point where one has to decide if the sacrifice is too large. In my opinion, there should definitely be limits to the amount you sacrifice for love, especially "true love." Some people, at a young age, believe they have found true love and are willing to do anything to keep the love alive. Alas, love is not always kind, and in the end they get burned. I believe that some sacrifices with love are acceptable, but things involving family are not. Your family is always there for you and tries to keep your best interest in mind, so betraying them for a love that may or may not be true, is an unforgivable thing. Overall love is a delicate subject which should be approached with caution.
Derek Degnan
ReplyDeleteLove is a feeling and an experiance that can come with all sorts of sacrifices. However, sacrifices must have limits, and some sacrifices will be easier to decide than others. If you were to make a decision to wither leave your family and be with the person you love, or be with your family and leave the person you love, that choice is pretty easy (or at least it should be). Your family raised and encouraged you to be the poerson you are today, and just giving them up would be wrong. Now daling with the desicion of whether or not to give up hard work and fame for someone you love is a personal choice. I personaly think that giving up hard work is not worth going for someone you love, and that making that decision is beyond the limits that should be set for the sacrifices to be made for someone you love.
Jillian Anter
ReplyDeleteBlog post (sorry it wouldn't post)
When two people fall in love, they usually become very dedicated to their relationship. The feelings someone has toward a person can often cause them to do things or make decisions that may seemingly get a little out of hand. But, is it really crazy of people to do some of the things they do for their loved one? To sacrifice something for someone else could just be a normal action that is a result of love. I don't believe that there are limitations on sacrifices you make for someone you love because it depends on how strong the love is. If I were king, I would leave my throne to be with the person I love that is not worthy of being royal because if I really love them, then they must make me happy. Being royal may be cool at first, but eventually it probably becomes repetitive, whereas love can be an everlasting source of happiness. But, I would probably not go against my parents and friends opinion on the person I think I'm in love with because family is the most important part of life. If you don't trust them you are rejecting help, especially in the case that their opinion could be very valuable. If I had to choose between my parents and my love I would choose my parents because I know for sure I can trust them and they would do anything for me. That is why I think sacrifice in a relationship is reasonable, but when it comes to family and friends, they should come first.
Love is a very strong thing. It can be the difference between ones happiness or ones depression. If I were a king I would leave the throne to be with the one I love because happiness is much more important than fame, fortune or even royalty. I would not give up my family for any one as of right now because I love them too. People seem to think love is just between two people but I believe the strongest love is between family. I would give up anything for my family but to give up my family for something is not what I think I would do. There is no limit to true love it all depends on how you feel about this love. If you are willing to give up everything for what you love go for it but I don't think you should give up everything for one person.
Delaney Cavanaugh
ReplyDeleteLove is an emotion that is hard to understand. When two people fall in love they will do crazy things for each other. Yet, they also need to understand that they need to make comprises and sacrifices for each other. However the sacrifices they make shouldn't cause them to lose anything else that means a lot to them. When it comes to deciding what is worth sacrificing you have to think of what is the most important to you. If you are truly in love with someone then you should sacrifice anything and everything besides your family and anything else that has a special place in your heart. Your true love should be able to understand how much you can sacrifice for them and be grateful fur what they do. What you give up for your true love is up to you, but you don't also want to lose everything you had before them. Love is an interesting concept that s hard for us all to understand.
A form of insanity know as love is a crazy emotion that makes us do crazy things. If I was a king and had was faced with the decision of having to leave my throne for my "love." I wouldn't. I think that if she didn't fit the qualifications of the country that I represented then we obviously wouldn't be compatible. If I was a glamorous movie star I would not go to a lonely abandoned town because if this man was really my true love in actuality I think he would already be with me and I wouldn't be faced with that decision ( we wouldn't be in different places). Now however, I would not go off with someone that my parents found undesirable because I trust their opinion the most and I know they will always be there for me. When choosing between my parents and I love interest I would choose my parents because my parents will always take care of me and stand by me while with a partner there's always a chance of divorce and such. As far as what I would do for love I can't say because I don't know. I'm not exactly what you would classify as a hopeless romantic. I am more of a reasonable person so I guess I would need to know how big the sacrifice was.
ReplyDelete--Julia Germani