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Poem by Dick Dayton |
1. Explain the concept, as you understand it, in the textbook preface featured in today's clip from Dead Poet's Society. (http://youtu.be/tmayC2AdkNw). What did the authors of the fictitious textbook ask students to do and why?
2. If you had to finish the sentence beginning, "Poetry is..." what would you write?
You have seven minutes. The timer will be featured on the screen.
1. The concept, as I understand it, in the textbook preface featured today in the clip "Dead Poet's Society" is that poetry is not just something you do for fun. It's not just cute. You can't make a bar graph to figure it out. Humans feel things, passion, love, grief, and they express it to each other through writing and reading poetry.
ReplyDelete2. Poetry is human's feelings expressed beautifully through words. Poetry can be passionate, loving, death ridden; anything the author is feeling that needs to be expressed. Poetry is beauty that can't be made with a formula.
* In number one I reversed what I was trying to say..
Delete1. The authors of the fictitious textbook asked students to rate every poem they read on the level of greatness. This would be determine on a graph , with the horizontal axis representing perfection, and the vertical axis representing importance. The bigger the area of the graph made for the poem, the greater the poem. They asked the students to do this in order to see which poems made a greater difference in society.
ReplyDelete2. Poetry is compassionate. This is because poetry is full of emotions, love, and honesty. When one writes poetry, they put all of their feelings and emotions on to the piece of paper and it represents how they feel about certain situations. For the high amount of feelings, love, and honesty present in EVERY poem, poetry is extremely compassionate.
1 Continued. The concept that I understood is poems cannot be graded on it's greatness. Every poem or piece of literature can change one's viewpoint and make a difference in society. Poetry is how one expresses their deepest emotions, and one's emotions certainly cannot be deemed 'great' or 'not great'.
DeleteZaynah Kalaoun
ReplyDeleteThe author asked students to evaluate poetry based on its importance and perfection. So if the poetry has a high importance but a low perfection it is considered an average poem. If there was a poem that received a high importance and a high perfection then the poem is perfectly written. I believe though that the idea on poetry is wrong in the introduction. Poetry is a way for humans to express our feelings or beliefs. It shows passion like in William Shakespeare writing and it shows drama. It's a way for the human race to escape the real world and write something beautiful. Every peace of writing has it's own beauty in a way. It is like a beautiful painting that has ugly holes. As a writer we must fill those holes again to make the painting beautiful. Same with writing poetry or writing in general.
The cencept of this story is to explain that written laws and rules of poetry should not be guidelines for students to write poetry. The teacher would want them to use their minds freely and think the way they want, not use a written book. The teacher asks the students to rip out the instructions from their textbooks and not to use them. If I were to finish the sentance "Poetry is...", I would say that poetry is from the heart. Poetry should be written from one's feelings and beliefs, and not from a sheet of paper. When writing a poem, you should realize how you feel and explain it in the form of a poem. That is what poetry really is, not just a good piece of writing that was well written. I believe that a poet explains what they feel in a poem, like Shakespear does in his Sonnets.
ReplyDeleteThe textbook preface featured in the clip from Dead Poet's society was confusing. The authors of the textbook asked the students to graph the greatness of the poem to determine how great the poem actually is. If the poem had a high score on the y-axis and x-axis then it was a great poem. However, the author said that a poem could score high on the y-axis but not the x-axis or high on the x-axis and not on the y-axis.
ReplyDeletePoetry is a way of communication that usually has a figurative and literal meaning. Also, poetry can be a beautiful way of communicating.
The textbook author is asking these students to rate the poem they read on its perfection, and its importance. He asks the question of perfection because he believes it is vital for a poem to be "perfect" in its meters and language. He asks the question of importance, because he also believes that a poem should be about something of importance.
ReplyDeletePoetry is...a way of expressing one's feeling about a particular subject. Whether the subject is love, a certain person or a hobby, the author clearly states his or her feeling about it, whether through metaphors or directly. It is a form of enjoyment and entertainment, and people who are passionate about something can describe just how passionate they are, because they don't have to worry about sounding sappy. Poems are supposed to be beautiful and romantic, but they can also be funny. Poetry can be whatever you want it to be.
In the preface from Dead Poet's Society the authors of the text book asked the students to rip the beginning of the text book out because he believed poetry was something simple, that you couldn't put into words. He wanted to show the students that poetry was something that humans do to express something, and it was easily done; just as easily done as tearing out the beginning of the text book like they had done.
ReplyDeletePoetry is simple.
In the textbook preface, poetry was measured to see how good or bad it is. The author of the book asked students to create a graph that enables them to measure how good a piece of poetry is. He did this so students could easily judge poetry.
ReplyDeletePoetry is a piece of writing about any topic anyone could think of, it explains it two ways. In an obvious manner and anyone can understand at a glance, and a deeper more opinionated description that takes some thought to discover.
The authors of the students’ fictitious book in “Dead Poets Society” wanted the students to learn to analyze and evaluate poetry as if it is a linear, mathematical process, rather than an art. The doctor who wrote the preface expected poetry to be taught as if it is something objective, and unchanging in the way in which it is evaluated. He does not understand however, that poetry is a dynamic and evolving work that is designed to register new meanings with new people. Poetry is not an equation; there is never a meaning, answer, or theme engraved within the poem’s essence. Poetry is merely a collection of passions, flowing from the mind of the writer, and proclaimed by the pen in such a manner that all may look upon it with different interpretations, and still understand its worth.
ReplyDelete1. The concept the textbook preface in "The Dead Poet's Society" was trying to explain how to understand poetry. For example it tried to get students to use a graph to help them understand the importance of a poem. The preface didn't help to teach poetry, the right way, so the teacher told them to rip it out of the student's books. It tried to explain poetry as a type of science you must learn in a certain way.
ReplyDelete2. Poetry is our human society's passion for things through writing.
(importance and perfection)
DeleteThe concept as I understand it in the textbook preface is that poetry is a very logical thing. It made it sound like poetry is supposed to be flat, boring, and emotionless. The author asked the students to rate poems on its perfection in order to figure out the greatness of the piece. The professor expressed to his class how this wasn't true. He said how the author failed to see the beauty in poetry, and urged them not to think about poems like that. He reinforced this idea by making them rip out the pages in the textbook. Poetry is a way of expressing someones thoughts or feelings on a particular subject. It can be written in multiple styles. For example, a poet could use haiku. It can be written on any subject you want, and doesn't have to be a strict series of sentences like an essay is.
ReplyDeleteAllie Fish
In the clip from the Dead Poet's Society, the author of the textbook wanted the students to do something that the teacher of the class didn't like. It asked them to make a chart on two different elements of a good poem. It told them that the poem with the most area taken up would be better than the rest. The author, Pritchard, told them to do this so they could find the superior poem through a mathematical mean.
ReplyDeleteIf I had to finish the prompt sentence, I would say Poetry is a way for people to write their thoughts, and feelings in a passionate, beautiful way. Although there are many different kinds of poetry, all of them have their own way to say things.
^ This is Joshua Tyler
DeleteThe concept of the dead poets society is to explain to all that the laws of poetry can be stretched. This meas that they are not necessarily guidelines that you need to follow exactly. Poetry can be altered and changed when ever you want because it is your rules that you follow. The text in the movie clip was stating that you need to follow the guide lines exactly.
ReplyDeleteIf I had to finish the phrase "Poetry is".. I would say that poetry is what you want it to be. Say you want to write a poem and you cant find a word that rhymes. You can just make another line up because in your way of writing things don't need to rhyme unless you want them to. You can write about anything you want and when ever you want.
The way that the textbook portrayed its message was very strict and stern to me. The fake textbook states ways that you can contemplate whether a poem is good or not. You draw it based on a scale, and from that scale, you can compare poems and learn from why the poems are not as good as others. It is a very basic way, that doesn't teach kids what the value of poetry actually is.
ReplyDeletePoetry is a way of humans expressing themselves through a flow of words. It is a way that people can connect with how they are feeling in times of happiness or times of sorrow. You cannot measure the validity of a poem in any way.
Kaelyn Zak
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ReplyDeleteThe preface of the textbook asked the students to graph the greatness of the poem. The greatness was tested by the greatness of the poem on the y-axis and x-axis. If the poem had a high score on the y-axis and the x-axis it was an overall good poem. If it only had greatness of one axis it was not as good.
ReplyDeletePoetry is a way of communicating your feelings without just typing them out regularly. Poetry allows a different way of expressing your thoughts.
1. The author of the fictitious textbook explained how good poetry could be measured on a scale, based on the whether they achieved the goal they were trying to achieve, and the magnitude of the goal. If the the poem has achieved its goal, but its goal did not have importance than it would only score average on the scale
ReplyDelete2. Poetry is the expression of the world around us, in a unique form, to best describe all the sensations that may be felt. Although many see poetry as a form of writing, it is more so a form of art, in which it describes to the reader the situations told through the poetry and attempt to influence the reader in some way or another.
ReplyDeleteThe concept of poetry described in the fictional text book make poetry a very mathematical process. The text book said to rate a poem on a scale of its perfection and reverence. Then you should graph the results to determine how truly great the poem is. The text book does this to try to come up with a logical emotion free way to understand poetry. They tried to find a way to structure poems to make it easier for teachers to teach. However, the author of the book fails to see the death of poetry and the passionate state of man kind.
Isabella Landry
Poetry is a collection of ideas that may or may not follow a specific structure to express a feeling or idea to the reader.
In the clip from Dead Poet's Society, the preface asked the kids to graph the greatness of the author's poetry. It asked them to create a graph with an x and y axis representing a different catergory. If a poet was just ok, it would score lower on the graph. If a poet was really good, it would score high on the graph.
ReplyDelete2.) Poetry is a way to creatively express your feelings, thoughts and emotions. Poems are usually deep and meaninful. Many poems talk about feelings and someone's past. There are many poems in this world that are dark and mysterious, but there are also many poems that are happy, uplifiting and even inspiring. There are some poems that can rhyme, and there are others that do not rhyme at all. There are many different things that poetry could be.
The author of the fictitious textbook asked the students to measure poetry on a graph. If the poem had a high scale on the X and Y axis then the play would be known as a "great play". If the shape ended up having a low area then the play would not be remembered throughout history. The teacher in the classroom did not agree with this. He told all of the students to rip up the pages that described the poetry graph.
ReplyDeletePoetry is a type of writing that is short, but describes something in great detail. For example, there are poems about trees, seasons, and even poems about sports. Poetry describes who we are as people and it give us a new way of looking at life.
and it gives*
Delete1. The concept is that you are able to rate poetry based on a scale. This scale determined how the greatness of poetry. The poetry must have a high grade on each side of the scale to be great.
ReplyDelete2. I would write that poetry is undefinable. Poetry, as the teacher in Dead Poets Society stated, is a mix of emotions. One can not simply define the greatness of a poem.
1) The concept of the poetry in the textbook from "Dead Poets Society," is that poetry is written from a mathematical process. The poem its self has to try and be great. Almost as if it was being scored against another poem. The poem has to try to be perfect. The text book basically trys to describe how you should understand poetry and what the greatness of it is, but in reality that's not how it should be.
ReplyDelete2) Poetry is a bunch of words written together that form a story that has deep meaning to the person who wrote it.
The authors of the fictitious textbook was asking the students what they thought poetry was to help them better understand poetry. You can't write good poetry until you understand exactly what it is. Poetry is a form of writing that usually has a rhyme scheme to it and can be repetitive.
ReplyDeleteJason Hopkins
1) In the Dead Poets Society clip we watched today, the book that one of the students was reading from talked about graphing and measuring poetry. They said to graph the poetry by its greatness. Each axis represented something different about the poem which would be how you would analyze it.
ReplyDelete2) Poetry is your thoughts and emotions written in a creative way. Poems can be about anything that you want. They can also be as long as you want. It all depends on you and how you want to portray your emotions. Poems can also be made up like a story of anything you want it to be.
The authors of the fictitious textbook asked the students to base the greatness of poems by calculating its greatness and importance on a graph and then calculate the area. The message that this clip was trying to get across was that poetry isn't simply something you can calculate by plotting it on a graph. It was trying to say that poetry is a representation of passion and the things that the author finds are worth living for. These words and concepts vary between individuals, but they are all equally important. The purpose of this clip was to bring to light the fact hat poetry isn't about the words written on a page. It instead encompasses the way those words make you feel, and how those words expressed in poetry are the ideals that make life worth living.
ReplyDeleteIf I had to finish the sentence beginning with "Poetry is...," my definition would not drastically differ from that of the definition explained in the clip. I believe poetry is the passion we have for something or someone that we express through our words as well as actions.