A lively discussion of life and literature as it relates to topics of discussion in our freshman English class.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
What is poetry?
What is poetry? Attempt to answer the question in one brief paragraph or verse that somehow reflects the very poetry you are attempting to define.
Now, reflect on the clip we viewed today, http://youtu.be/tmayC2AdkNw, from The Dead Poet's Society. What is does the preface in the students' textbook attempt to teach high school students about "understanding poetry?" What kind of advice would you give your peers and next year's freshmen about that topic?
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Poetry is a human need for passion. Humans are passionate entities, and we live for greatness. We can express this through poetry. The preface in the students text book says that the area of a poem is directly proportional to the poem's greatness. This is completely wrong, and I would tell next year's freshmen that a poem's greatness should not be measured by quantity, but the greatness should be determined with quality. - Myer
ReplyDeletePoety is a passion to describe a passion. Using words to describe the vagueness of a passion because u can't really describe a passion, and to everyone it's different. Poetry is almost a form of art becasue it's creative and unique. Poetry doesn't have to ryme,it just has to speak.
ReplyDeleteThe preface in the students textbook trys to grade and measure the words against meters. I would tell my peers that there is no formula to understanding poetry. That poetry is different for everyone so that everyones thoughts on poetry are different. You can only grade poetry on how it speaks and applies to you.
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ReplyDeleteMatthew Albanese Poetry is the ability to speak what your heart tells you. You can put your emotions into words and not be held back by rules of writing. When you read poetry, you are reading somebody's emotions that were poured out onto that page in a form of a message.
ReplyDeleteIn The Dead Poet's Society, the preface in the students' textbook tries to tell them how to understand poetry. Although, it only tells them how to understand what was written, and how to read the poem. It does not tell them how to feel the emotions that were put behind those words. The advice that I would give my peers and next years freshmen is this: Poetry cannot be measured by anything that is written down, but the emotions can be understood.
Poetry brings out the way people think and feel. It is filled with emotion and personality and is made to connect with whoever reads it. Sometimes it has a hidden meaning and other times the meaning is very straight foreward. It flows easily and describes the person who writes it.
ReplyDeleteIn the textbook, it describes poetry as something that is only words and meter. The greatness of the poem is only made when there is a large amount of words and meter. The poem has to have a large area to measure its worth.
I would advise my peers and next years freshmen to not think of poetry in terms of area and size, but in terms of emotion and bravery in the words. If feeling and personality is put into the work then it is equal to any area possible when it connects to the people reading it.
Poetry is emotion. Throughout history humans have written poetry not for survival but for conveying emotions. Shakespeare for example wrote his stories through poetry. He did not write it this way to be creative but rather to convey his story and emotions without saying it directly. Poetry is a way to say what you feel without directly saying it.
ReplyDeleteThe preface in the book was trying to teach students what poetry is in literal terms. It was also teaching them about strange things such as the area of poetry which made no sense what so ever. My advice to freshmen is simple, poetry is emotion. Poetry is how you convey your emotions about something without directly saying it.
Poetry is a form of writing that tries to express a feeling by using words in an art. It may take some time to understand, because every poet has a different way of expressing a feeling. There is a lot of sensory and figurative language involved, and a lot of times, the reader has a picture painted in his or her mind.
ReplyDeleteThe preface in the students' textbook from The Dead Poet's Society tries to teach the students the importance of the structure of the poem. If the right structure is there, the poem is a good poem. This, however, is not true. Poems are not all structure. The important parts of poems are the words, details, and mental pictures. The meaning and how the poet gets the message across is most important.
Poetry is not about structure. It is about having a specific voice that comes through. It is about making the reader interested and have he or she know what the poem is trying to say.
Poetry is the way that people try to put their many emotions into words. It is how people pour their heart onto a paper by means of pen or pencil, in order to entertain, question, or just simply to vent about a topic. By using poetry, we see exactly what a person is thinking but may not be able to express too easily; we see their subconscious thoughts through metaphor and adjective use.
ReplyDeleteThe students textbook attempts to convert words into numerical values in order to measure the greatness of a certain poem or author. The teacher then throws this idea away, literally as well as physically. The movie was trying to say that greatness cannot be measured by an authors use of structure or by the depth of a topic. Poetry can only be measured by how it makes you feel when you read it. All poems are great to different people, it just depends on what you take out of them, not on how well written it is.
Shannon Camara
1.)Poetry is the reason for life to go on, it is the sharing of passionate thoughts; the expression of powerful emotions through words. There are no rules to control poetry as there are no rules to control human thought. Words spoken or written in poetry give a small window into seeing the writer’s true self. Poetry is self expression and something to be treasured.
ReplyDelete2.)The preface in the textbook attempts to teach students that in order to understand poetry you must understand the rhyme and meter. You must also ask two questions to determine whether or not the poem is truly great. I would tell my peers and next year freshmen to disregard this and determine whether or not the poem was great by his/her own opinion. It is the student’s opinion on what they feel when they read the poems. Greatness should not be determined by some formula.
Poetry is a way of expressing your feelings. A lot of time people do not know how to show their feelings and get them out, they often resort to poetry. There may be different types of poetry, but there is not set structure. All you have to do is write about how you feel or even write about what ever you want. Poetry is a way of expression.
ReplyDeleteIn the video, Dead Poet's Society, the preface in the student's textbooks tried to teach kids a formula and structure to writing poetry. there is now structure, that is why the teacher had them rip the pages out. I would tell my peers and the upcoming freshmen that if they want to write poetry, they should do what ever they want, write it how ever they want, write about what ever, its up to them. There is no structure.
Madison Hayes
Poetry is an expression of thoughts with passion. There are many types of poetry. Some rhymes and some does not but its main purpose is to convey an idea the author is passionate about in a creative way. Poetry is emotional.
ReplyDeleteIn the clip we viewed the teacher told the students to rip out a page in the preface of their text book because it told an exact formula to measure how good poetry is. The teacher did not believe in this method because he thought poetry was all about passion and that it can't be measured with a certain formula. To the next year's freshmen and to my peers I would say that poetry is all different and there is not one way to measrue how good it is. I would say that you should write about what you are passionate about and make your poetry creative in your own way.
Poetry can be words put together in verses that can rhyme or they do not have to rhyme at all. Poetry tries to describe something without telling the reader what it is by using other words as description. The author tries to make the reader picture what he is writing by the words he chooses to use. It is then the reader’s job to try to understand what the author is meaning to say.
ReplyDeleteThe preface in the students' textbook tried to teach the students how to measure poetry out on a graph by scaling it. The advice I would give the upcoming freshman about poetry is to not try to scale poetry and just write. Over thinking is exactly what not to do when writing poetry. Try not to think about all of the rules that come along with poetry and just focus on creating a good poem with emotion.
Lauren Christo
Poetry is a form of writing, that can be about anything, that tells a simple story, in which alot can be taken from it. Poetry does not have to be long or short, any length. In the students text books it tries to tell them how to write a good poem, and what good poems are like. But you can not teach someone about poetry. Poetry can be anything you want it to be. Poems can be taken in many different ways, and have many different meenings. Advice I would give to others would be that understanding poetry is not very difficult because it can be viewed in many different ways, and you may think some poems are better than others, but it just has to do with your oppinion.
ReplyDeleteEric O'Neill
Poetry is a way to explain someone's emotions. A poem can also tell a story. This story can have a literal meaning that is just on the surface of the poem, and a completely different meaning when you read between the lines. This different meaning can be the poet explaining their feelings about the story.
ReplyDeleteIn the Dead Poet's Society, the textbook was trying to teach the students how to measure poetry, and that poems required a certain number of words. Advice I would give my peers or next year's freshmen is to not look at writing poetry as following a formula, instead create your own formula as you write and make the poem your own.
Poetry is a strong piece of writing that has a topic such as love or about a bird you see. A poem can literally be about anything you want it to be about. It can have words that rhyme in it, but when you read a piece of poetry it should really keep you thinking. It should have a deeper meaning than what is written on the paper.
ReplyDeleteThe student's textbooks attempt to teach the high school students that there is a formula to understanding if a poem is good or not. I would tell my peers not to follow the what the book was saying and to just think in my head what it was about and if you like it because everyone has their own opinion on what they like and what they don't like and there is no way to measure that.
poetry is a type of writing that can be used to express how you are feeling, your emotions. Poetry can have a rhyme scheme, but it is not required. It tries to teach students that you have to have an emotional connection with your poetry. You have to be able to take your feelings and turn then into words. I would give the advice to just express yourself and not worry what other people will think about you. It might be hard for you to write down your feelings but at the end of the day you can't always be worried about what people will think of you.
Poetry is a combination of words that gets an idea across using a format with lines. There are no rules to poetry. Poetry can be written in different styles. Some of these styles may be written more like pros in the way they use grammar. Yet some poets ignore all grammatical rules and simply write. Poetry is like abstract writing. A realistic painter is like a traditional pros writer, but the abstract artist is very similar to a poet. Poetry has emotion behind it. That emotion can even be lack of emotion; once again, there are no rules to poetry. Poetry is an art that is very hard to describe. People have attempted to define this writing style for years but perhaps the best definition is that it is simply a combination of words that uses lines for a structure.
ReplyDeleteThe preface in the students’ textbook attempts to teach high school students about “understanding poetry” by making it similar to math. It tries to tell them that to measure the “greatness” of a poem by using a formula. This is not correct. The “greatness” of a poem can be only determined by the reader. Each person can read the same poem and have a completely different idea of what it means. Each reader is moved differently by a piece of poetry. Some advice for high school students is to enter the topic of poetry with an open mind. There are so many styles of poetry that when someone says they dislike this artistic way of writing, they possibly just haven’t found the right style for them. There is no correct way to teach poetry and advice about this topic could go on forever.
Poetry is someones thoughts and emotions that are written down. They can be sad, happy, gloomy, even exciting. Poetry can be written in any format with any amount of words and never has to rhyme. Poetry is a very open type of written that everyone and anyone could do.
ReplyDeleteThe preface in the textbook in the movie is trying to teach the students how to understand poetry by measuring poetry on a graph. This is a pointless method and the students are instructed to tear the pages out of the book. For the freshman next year I would tell them that to understand poetry you have to carefully analyze the words in the poem and how they are put together. Everyone interprets things differently and everyone has different opinions so no one person is correct.
Poetry is a way to convey emotion and get a point across in a sophisticated way. This is a lot different from an essay or a book because in a lot of cases the writing is much briefer. Yet, no matter what the rhyme scheme or technical elements poetry is very different. Poetry is able to express deep emotion open for all sorts or interpretation in a short way. Thus, poetry makes itself an important type of literature.
ReplyDeleteThe preface in the student’s textbook attempts to teach high school students that “understanding poetry” is knowing all the technical elements and whether or not they are done correctly. The way the author looks to the students to rate the greatness of poetry is by making a graph. This graph shows that the book interprets understanding poetry as more of a scientific method rather than a emotion form of writing.
I would say my peers that good poetry does have to follow a set outline if one is given, yet do not let that outline limit your capability to make your poems meaningful. Poetry should not get damped on the technicalities of what you have to say. It is better to do your best to get the meaning you want across with what you are able to write.
Poetry is an emotion and passion filled type of writing where you can write about all of your feelings or a point of view on something. Poetry is a lot more laid back than other writing because of the freedom poetry gives in writing what you want and how you want to. Poetry is something that cannot be predicted, the poem written should be filled with passion and their view on how a poem should be written.
ReplyDeleteThe textbook teaches that poetry is like a graph where you have to do write it a certain way. The advice I would give my peers is that poetry is from the heart and should be filled with their emotions and passion, the poem can be written however they feel should be written.
Poetry is a passionate writing that is very dedicated. It is how you describe your feelings. Your poetry can say how you feel aboutanything. Poetry can be beautiful when written correctly.
ReplyDeleteThe preface was trying to help the students nto understand poetry by comparing sonnets through a graph comparison.
Some advice that I would give to next year's freshmen is to never give up when you are writing a sonnet. I had some difficulty when I was writing my first sonnet but I stuck with with it and the words came to me eventually. Writing poetry is complex and requires a great amount of thought. If you never give up, then the words iun your poem will come to you.