A woman's face with nature's own hand painted,
Hast thou, the master mistress of my passion;
A woman's gentle heart, but not acquainted
With shifting change, as is false women's fashion:
An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling,
Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth;
A man in hue all hues in his controlling,
Which steals men's eyes and women's souls amazeth.
And for a woman wert thou first created;
Till Nature, as she wrought thee, fell a-doting,
And by addition me of thee defeated,
By adding one thing to my purpose nothing.
But since she prick'd thee out for women's pleasure,
Mine be thy love and thy love's use their treasure.
How heavy do I journey on the way,
When what I seek, my weary travel's end,
Doth teach that ease and that repose to say,
'Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend!'
The beast that bears me, tired with my woe,
Plods dully on, to bear that weight in me,
As if by some instinct the wretch did know
His rider lov'd not speed being made from thee.
The bloody spur cannot provoke him on,
That sometimes anger thrusts into his hide,
Which heavily he answers with a groan,
More sharp to me than spurring to his side;
For that same groan doth put this in my mind,
My grief lies onward, and my joy behind.
No longer mourn for me when I am dead
Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell
Give warning to the world that I am fled
From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell:
Nay, if you read this line, remember not
The hand that writ it, for I love you so,
That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot,
If thinking on me then should make you woe.
O! if, I say, you look upon this verse,
When I perhaps compounded am with clay,
Do not so much as my poor name rehearse;
But let your love even with my life decay;
Lest the wise world should look into your moan,
And mock you with me after I am gone.
To me, fair friend, you never can be old,
For as you were when first your eye I ey'd,
Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold,
Have from the forests shook three summers' pride,
Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned,
In process of the seasons have I seen,
Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burned,
Since first I saw you fresh, which yet are green.
Ah! yet doth beauty like a dial-hand,
Steal from his figure, and no pace perceived;
So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand,
Hath motion, and mine eye may be deceived:
For fear of which, hear this thou age unbred:
Ere you were born was beauty's summer dead.
Select two of the sonnets above. What universal theme is common to them? Is this theme relevant to the modern world? Be sure to explain, using examples from the sonnets as well as your personal experience and background knowledge. DUE BY END OF CLASS JAN 28
I think sonets #50 and #71 are related because they both have a journey. One is a journey through life and the other is a journey through death. #50 talks about the hardships of the journey and how it makes you tired. #71 is speaking about death to another person and how the dying person wants it to affect them. I think the themes are relevant to the modern world because even in modern generations, life can still be a journey that is difficult and hard to get through. Also, everyone dies in the modern world and have thoughts about what will happen and why they are dying.
ReplyDeleteI think sonnet #50 and #71 are related because they both involve a journey. One is a journey throughout a life time and the other is a journey towards the end of life. #50 talks about how hard life can treat you and how your life is not always easy. #71 talks about death and how you should not mourn over a person once they have died. I think the themes are relevant to the world today because life is still a hard journey and has its difficult times. Also, everyone dies in today’s world and that person wants to make their death as easy as it can for their loved ones.
ReplyDeleteShannon Camara
ReplyDeleteI chose sonnets #71 and #104 and the universal theme of the two is aging and how it doesn't really change people. This is shown in the first and second lines of sonnet #104 because because it explains how he still sees the woman as he did when he first met her. In sonnet #71, it shows how when aging people should not be afraid of death, or mourn death because it is always going to happen and it is not neccesarily an ending. This theme is relevant to the modern world because in current times people always seem to run away from aging and death. Nowadays everybody tries to escape fate and seem young for as long as possible. If you think about it, the majority of the medical business strives off of this need of people. In Shakespeare's eyes, he thinks that people should just learn to accept their fate and just move on with it.
In both #50 and #71 the story represents a journey through life and how time passes. The theme is still relevant today because some people do have tough lives and have to get through it. Also there is still death today and people have to go through it and try to get through it as well as they can. I personally have had to deal with death at a very young age and it can be tough but eventually you get through it. Also people dont want thier loved ones to mourn continously. They want them to go on with life. Also many people have hard lives and had and have to troop through them and think of it more as a journey.
ReplyDeleteThe universal theme between 50 and 71 is growing up or life in general for a few reasons. One reason is at the end of 50 it says my joy behind me and my grief onward. This is much represents life from a child to an adult. Another reason is that 71 is completely about death which could complete 50 which is always at the end of life. In conclusion these are a few reasons why the universal theme between 50 and 71 is about life.
ReplyDeleteNo, this theme is not neccessarily connected to the modern world except it's about life.
The universal theme in sonnets 71 and 104 is aging, and how it’s not such a bad thing. The modern world is afraid of death and the unknown, and these sonnets are basically saying that it isn’t so scary and bad. It’s looking at the positive sides of age, and the parts where it really doesn’t matter. “For as you were when first your eye I ey'd, //Such seems your beauty still.” It does not matter that the person has gotten older; they are still beautiful. The age does not matter, and with age has brought lasting memories. Age can be a bad thing, but also a good thing. Sonnet 71 is just asking to remember him. Not you be sad, but to “Give warning to the world that I am fled” Just let everyone know that he is gone, and not to mourn. To remember the good moments is better than being sad about his absence.
ReplyDelete-Mollie Westrick
Sonets #71 and #50 are similar because both have a relatable life journey. One is a journey during your life until the end and the other is a journey when you reach death death. Sonnet #71 talks about death from one person to another person. Also how the dying person wants it to affect them. Sonnet #50 talks about life doesnt come easy and it is supposed to have it's challenges. These two themes are relevant to the modern world because life is a journey that is rough and hard to manage sometimes but at the end of the day everything will get better and work out.
DeleteMatthew Albanese
ReplyDeleteI chose Sonnets 71 and 104 because they share the same theme that nothing can last forever. This theme is relevant to the modern world, because it is true in most cases of the world. In sonnet 71, Shakespeare says, "But let your love even with my life decay; lest the wise world should look into your moan, And mock you with me after I am gone." This quote means that Shakespeare's life will end, and the reader should use this fact to end their relationship with him, because people will mock the reader about it future. This is relevant to the modern world because people can use relationships to mock you. In sonnet 104, Shakespeare explains that time will always move on and nothing can stop things from changing. This is related to the modern world because seasons will always change and time will always keep on moving.
Sonnet 50 and sonnet 71 one are connected by the universal theme of journeys. Sonnet 50 is about a literal journey that the speaker is taking. In this journey he is taking a journey away from his love. In sonnet 71 the journey is more figurative. The journey is about towards the end of life, or death. The sonnet is about how someone shouldn’t mourn after the speaker has passed away; this shows the journey of mourning. These two sonnets also share the theme that connects to the modern world. People in the modern world take journeys all the time. A journey that would connect to the journey taken in sonnet 71 is perhaps a journey to a college away from one’s boyfriend. A journey that is similar to the one taken in sonnet 50 is the journey of getting over the death of a loved one. These two sonnets are very different, yet are connected by a universal theme.
ReplyDeleteThe universal theme of the sonnets #71 and #50 are they are both "traveling" through time. The theme is relevant to the modern world because time goes by and we lose people that we care about because death is a part of life so we just have to move on. When I was in fifth grade I lost my great grandmother and it was very hard for me. An example from the 2 sonnets was "Lest the wise world should look into your moan, And mock you with me after I am gone." and "For that same groan doth put this in my mind, My grief lies onward, and my joy behind." These examples both talk about how they reacted when death occurred.
ReplyDeleteI think Sonnets #71 and #104 are similiar because they both discuss that love never leaves you. Sonnet #71 says that it's okay to love someone when they are dead. Sonnet #104 shows how someone can change through life like the seasons of the year, and that they can always be loved througout their whole lifetime. It also shows that when you die, there is a rebirth.
ReplyDeleteSonnet 104 and sonnet 20 are similar because they are both about love and beauty. Sonnet 20 is about his love for a women who is beautiful and Shakespeare's first love, and sonnet 104 is about his friend, and how beautiful she is. In the modern world, love and friendship is important. The theme's in his sonnets are important in the modern world.
ReplyDeleteMyer Hussain
Sonet #20 and Sonet #104 have a universal theme of love because they both talk about beauty. The first sonet says, "a woman's face with nature's own hand painted". The second one says, "such seems your beautys still". Both sonets also talk about unchanging beauty and how someone you love remains beautiful no matter what. This theme is relevant to the modern world because love is a part of life.
ReplyDeleteSonnets 50 and 70 both talk about the pain that can come along with love. In sonnet number 50 it talks about someone leaving someone they love, whether a friend or someone they are in a relationship with and how sad they are about it. I know this through the fact that the person is referring how the animal it is riding has to “dear the weight me” which seems as though it is making reference to a heavy heart that is sad from losing love as “My grief lies onward, and my joy behind”. Furthermore, sonnet 71 also refers to the fact of having someone try to say to not be sad when their lover dies. Even though this sonnet is more positive in which they are trying to make the person that will lose them in death not mourn them, it still talks about the sorrows in love in which the person “thinking on me then should make you woe.” This theme of sorrow in love is still present today. People deal with mourning and death as well as trying to get over heartbreak in situations of love very often.
ReplyDeleteThe Universal theme in sonnets 2 and 3, if grief over what is gone and cannot have. The sonnets are universal to the modern world because even in the 21st century people grieve over their lost ones and people they cannot have. In sonnet #50 "My grief lies onward, and my joy behind" means that they were happy before the heart ache occured and now tat it is over he doesnt feel happy anymore and doesn't see his path getting any better. When a family member of mine died, I was so horribly upset, and I didn't want to begin to imagine life without them. It didnt occur to me that I could lose them, and before they died I was perfectly fine. Life goes on though even if you think it wont't and slowly you begin to be happy again.
ReplyDeleteThe universal theme in sonnets #71 and #104 is aging into death and how it is a beautiful process. In the modern world, people are afraid of the thought of death and they find the process of dying hard and sad to watch. In sonnet #104, it talks about how death is beauty "Such seems your beauty still." However in modern time, we dislike the thought of a loved one dying and going through old age. My great grandma as well as my dad's mom have passed away in my life. My great grandma died of old age when I was very young so I was not very understanding of the process. My grandma died before I was born of cancer which was a very hard process for my dad to watch. Although their deaths occured when I was not even alive and very young, they phased my parents, aunts and uncles, and a lot of other people in my family and it was hard for them to watch my great grandma and grandma dying.
ReplyDeleteSonnets 50 and 71 are similar because they are a journey. Sonnet 50 is a journey through life and sonnet 71 is a journey through death. Sonnet 50 talks about how hard growing up is and 71 talks about how you should not take the pain when someone dies. This relates to the modern day because people still strugle with both growing up and when someone dies.
ReplyDeleteSonnets 50 and 71 are similar because they both involve a journey. This is relevant to present day because everyone's life is a journey because time goes on and we lose people that we care about. According to Sonnet 51, life doesn't come easy. Sonnet 71 is about people dying. These themes are revelvant because life is a journey.
ReplyDeleteSonnets #50 and #71 are related because they both are about the general theme of taking a journey. #71 is about death and how you should move on at some point and #50 is about the hardships of journeys. the themes are relevant to the world today because people still have to deal with loss and how life is a tough journey.
ReplyDeleteMadison Hayes
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ReplyDeleteSonnets #50 and #71 are very similar because they both have a theme of a journey. #71 is about death and how you should move on at some point in time. Also, Sonnet #50 is about a journey that the speaker is taking. In this journey he is taking a journey away from his love. These two Sonnets are about a journey through life, basically because people in our world deal with losses and a journey that affect them. Therefore, these two Sonnets are very similar.
ReplyDeleteSonnets #50 and #71 are related because they talk about going through journies. #50 talks about life, and the journey that comes with it while #71 talks about the journey that comes with death. These sonnents are relevant to the modern world, because as human beings, we go through journies in our lives, and how death is apart of our lives just as much as life is. They basically explain that life is a journey we all go through.
ReplyDeleteSonnets 50 and 71 are similar because they both talk about a journey.In sonnet 50 it is about the now, and in life itself. Sonnet 71 is talking about death. In sonnet 50, it talks about the troubles of a journey, and the hardships it brings. In sonnet 71 it talks about a journey about death and the affects of it. The theme of these two sonnets would be "a journey."
ReplyDeleteSonnet #104 relates to modern world because in modern world, beauty is greatly recognized. In sonnet 104, Shakespeare talks about a womens beauty like we would do today. Sonnet #71 also relates to the modern world because at the end of his death, he tells the women that he loves her, just like people would do in the modern world. This is how these sonnets relate to the modern world.
Sonnets #71 and #104 are similiar because they both have a theme that love never leaves you no matter what happens. Sonnet #104 shows how people can change through life. This is like the seasons of the year. They also can always be loved througout their whole lifetime. On the other hand, it shows that Sonnet #71 has a theme that loving someone that is dead is quite okay. You can still miss and love them always. This is easily felt when relatives die.
ReplyDeleteSonnet 50 and 71 have a relation. Both sonnets address the end of life. Both portray life as a journey and focus on the negative aspects. Sonnet 50 is about everyday struggles. It focuses on the hardships in obstacles one is forced to overcome. While sonnet 71's addresses the end of life's journey. The narrator is telling someone he loves her so much he does not want her to be sad when he goes. This sonnet presents the idea in order to overcome life's conflicts it is impotent to move on. The theme of life and death is still very relevant today. In the modern world mankind still is forced to face the journey in life and the tragic end that comes with it.
ReplyDeleteIsabella Landry
Sonnet #50 and #71 are both universal in their theme because they both have to do with a journey, and how unpleasant they can sometimes be. Although Sonnet #71 has to do with a journey of death, and Sonnet #50 has to do with a journey in life, both of them have to do with a man's journey and how hard of a path it is to take. Yet even though it it a hard path, they have to do it anyways..This theme is definitely an important in modern times as well. Many people have to make journeys they don't want participate in, yet they have to do it anyways. Joshua Tyler
ReplyDeleteSonnets #71 and #104 share similar themes and are relevant to modern times. Both basically have to do with how people change over time, for better and worse. Sonnet #71 is talking about how people are soon forgotten and not noticed as much as they were before because of small changes. The other sonnet is almost the opposite and how this person's beauty wont go away. These sonnets can be related to the modern world because of the many people who are forgotten over time. All in all, these are some of the literal and hidden messages portrayed by these two sonnets.
ReplyDeleteThe sonnet’s I chose were #50 and #71 because the relation they showed in the sense that they both involved a journey through life and the way time passes us by. The first story is a journey through life while the other is through death. The sonnet # 50 is talking about the difficulties of life and how to progress through it, while the other one is discussing death to another and how it is affected. These themes relate to modern times because of no matter how much simpler things are getting the journey can still be difficult.
ReplyDeleteSonnets #104 and #20 are related because they both talk about beauty and love. Sonnet #104 talks about how the beauty in this women remains the same even over periods of time such as seasons. Sonnet #20 talks about the beauty in a man. Shakespeare talks about how the man is even more beautiful than a woman. These themes are relevant to the world today because love is still apart of almost everyone's lives today.
ReplyDeleteSonnets #20 and #104 are related. Both have the theme that even though time has passed, the woman remains just as beautiful as always. Sonnet #20 explains how he looks at a lady and doesn't see just her face, but looks at her personality. For example, he metions "a woman's gentle heart". This shows he isn't just paying attention to her personality. In sonnet #104 explains how even though many years of passed, the woman he is referring to remains just as beautiful as when she was young. For example he says "such seems your beauty still". This means that her beauty has remained as she aged. These sonnets are related because they both refer to a woman's beauty.
ReplyDeleteAllie Fish
Oops I forgot this part. This relates to the modern world because it explains the beauty women hold within them. Also, it shows how men see the beauty in women.
DeleteAliie Fish
Sonnets #50 and #71 are related because they each explain the hardships people go through in life (50) and death (70). And they don't just explain the speaker's life and death, but dealing with the living and passing of other people. The stories describe the tragedies of love and losing a loved one. They talk about all of the pain we endure to find love, and then the pain we endure after the death or loss of those loved ones. They also go on to remind the reader that there are ways to get past the pain. All of these are modern day themes that relate to almost everybody's life.
ReplyDeleteI think that sonnets 71 and 104 are similar in the sense that they both talk about loss and saying goodbye. Sonnet 71 seems to be written from the perspective of a person who is leaving this world, and is offering condolences to the people left behind on Earth. Sonnet 104 seems to have similar themes as the writer seems to be comforting a friend who is on death’s door. These themes still hold a strong meaning in our world today, as we all will have to deal with death and loss of somebody close at one point or another during our live. These poems seem to show death with a positive spin, almost to prevent us from viewing death as a great loss, but rather as a transformation, or a temporary inconvenience that separates loved ones and friends for a short time.
ReplyDeleteSonnets #104 and #20 both have the universal theme of love. Sonnets #104 and #20 talk about the fact that no matter what happens, love remains the same. If you love someone then their beauty is unchanged no matter what they look like. If the person is beautiful in your eyes then nobody else's opinion matters. Even if they are old, they are still considered beautiful.
ReplyDeleteSonnets #71 and #50 are similaar to each other. The sonnets' universal theme is abiout taking a journey together. Sonnet #50 talks about the journey of life together while Sonnet #71 talks about the journey of death and dealing with the seperation from your loved one. These journeys are both about how people go along throughout life with their loved ones. In the modern world people always go through this process. They have to learn to accept that there will be a day when they have to let their loved one pass and cherish the times they had with them. Therefore, these sonnets have similar themes.
ReplyDeleteZaynah Kalaoun.
ReplyDeleteSonnet #50 and #71 are both have the same or similar universal theme. In sonnet #50 Shakespeare is talking about how he is going through hardship in his journey. Shakespeare journey is hard because he is nearing his death and is seeing death. Shakespeare would be seeing death because in line 9 he says "The bloody spur cannot provoke him on". This quote can be taken as the traveler is nearing his journey at the end which could be death and the bloody spur in my opinion could be the pale rider in a literal term or non-literal meaning. Sonnet #71 Shakespeare or the speaker is saying or writing to his love about how he is dead and loves her. This relates to journey because Shakespeare is saying how his journey is over because he is dead and how his journey to her love is over. This relates to life because life is like a journey and it ends when you face death himself or when you have to say goodbye to loved one. Also this theme relates to life today because life can be hard and rough but sometimes you have to let things go in order to live and experience the world and understand it.
To me, sonnets #50 and #71 are really similar because they both talk about how time passes in someones life. Sonnet #71 is about death and how time passes so quickly and until you realize it, it will be too late. The next Sonnet ( number 50 ) talks about troubles that you may encounter during your life. In order to reach the end of your life you will have to travel through your ups and your downs.
ReplyDeleteIn sonnett 104 and 71, the universal theme is age; how age doesn't change anyone. Both sonnetts are saying that time won't change who you are or what you look like, that love will always conqure all. Life's a journey, and together nothing matters. In 104 beauty is nothing, it doesn't change who you are. In 71 death won't seperate them, it will just be an obstacle to overcome.
ReplyDeleteSonnets 20 and 104 are similar to each other, because he is describing a woman's beauty. In sonnet 104, he is saying that in his eyes, she will always be beautiful and never grow old. Here he is talking about someone who seems to be a friend rather than a lover. In sonnet 20, he is talking about a lover, and describes how and why she is beautiful in the first part of the sonnet, and then how much he loves her in the last line. These themes are somewhat relevant today, but mostly in movies and romance novels. Sure, people still fall in love, but it never seems to last, and people sure don't describe each other like that anymore.
ReplyDeleteKaelyn Zak
ReplyDeleteSonnet #20 and #71 are quite similar. In both of the sonnets, the theme is love. In sonnet #20, it tells about how a woman may not be perfect, but her soul is what should count towards the love between a man and a woman. #20 says that even though a woman may not be as beautiful than the rest, it is the heart that counts. In sonnet #71, it describes how love never dies. Love will always remain with memories, even after a loved one has passed away. In sonnet #71, it says, "But let your love even with my life decay." Love will remain no matter what happens if the love is true.
Sonnets 50 and 71 have very similar ideas. They both talk about a journey. Sonnet 71 has the theme of death throughout it. Sonnet 50 and 71 very similar but they are also very different. Sonnet 50 talks about the journey of life while 71 talks about the journey of death. Sonnet 71 can also be connected to the modern world in different ways.
ReplyDeleteJason Hopkins
Sonnets #71 and #104 are related because both refer to never losing love for one another no matter what happens. In sonnet #71 it talks about someone dying and telling someone else to not mourn for them any longer, but to instead love them even though they are gone. Sonnet #104 talks about never losing love for someone even as the years go on. Although appearance changes over the years the love should never change. In most cases, that is exactly what happens. This theme is in the modern world. In the modern world today many people grow old together and through everything, they leave the day still loving each other.
ReplyDeleteSonnet #104 and #20 relate to one another because they both talk about the beauty of women never goes away even as time passes because of love. In sonnet #104, it says " To me, fair friend, you never an be old, for as you were when first your eye I ey'd, such seem your beauty still" This is saying that even when she grows old she will still be beautiful because he loves her. In sonnet #20, he is talking about a beautiful women. These two sonnets are talking about a women's beauty in her youth and in her old age and how he still loves her. This relates to the modern world because even though someone grows old, they should still be beautiful in your eyes and many people who are married and have been married for a long time feel this way.
ReplyDeleteSonnet 71 and 50 are related by the theme of journeys. Sonnet 50 is about a literal journey that the speaker is taking. In this journey he is taking a journey away from the one he loves. In sonnet 71 the journey is about death and is figurative. The sonnets share the theme that connects to the modern world. People in modern times take journeys a lot. A journey that could connect with Sonnet 71 might be moving across the country from a loved one. Moving past the death of a loved one could be a journey related to Sonnet 50.
ReplyDeleteSonnets #50 and #71 are similar because they talk about a journey through life to death and the other one is about the journey and how it goes on after death. Sonnet #50 is relent to the modern world because it talks about sorrows and hardships that we face, and how at sometimes in life you feel like you’ll never be happy again “My grief lies onward, and my joy behind”. Sonnet #71 is relent to the modern world because it’s saying that once I don’t mourn for me once I’m gone, but remember me as I was alive. Don’t cry that I’m gone, but rejoice out memories “But let your love even with my life decay.” - hannah g