Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Never give all the heart

Consider the poem below.  What is the author's attitude toward romantic love?  Do you agree with his position?  Please post before Wednesday, 12 noon.

Never give all the heart

  by W. B. Yeats
Never give all the heart, for love
Will hardly seem worth thinking of
To passionate women if it seem
Certain, and they never dream
That it fades out from kiss to kiss;
For everything that's lovely is
But a brief, dreamy, kind delight.
O never give the heart outright,
For they, for all smooth lips can say,
Have given their hearts up to the play.
And who could play it well enough
If deaf and dumb and blind with love?
He that made this knows all the cost,
For he gave all his heart and lost.


  1. Tyler Balon
    The authors attitude of romantic love is a pessimistic one, as he believes that you'll inevitably get hurt as love makes people deaf, dumb, and blind. I do not agree with the author's position as I feel if it is biased. W.B. Yeats most likely wrote this poem after a romantic tragedy, which is most likely the reason for the negative tone. Love often does workout well as people get married and usually end up spending the rest of there life together, starting a family with one another and being happy. This is why I disagree with the author of this poem.

  2. Connor Sheehan
    The author’s attitude towards romantic love in this poem is very negative. W.B. Yeats is saying that one should not give all of their heart away for love or a loved one as it can hurt people. Yeats probably did not have a great experience with love, which is why he created the poem. However, this poem is not true for all people and I do not agree with his opinion. I believe that your heart can be devoted to one person if you truly love them. If you are hurt, or something is done to break up that love, it probably was not true love as it was not meant to be. But when one does find true love, a life of complete happiness with your loved one awaits. The benefits to love are tremendous, even though some can get hurt by it, therefore making W.B. Yeats wrong.

  3. Emily Fernandes
    The author of this poem has a negative view on romance. He thinks that Romance is just a waste of time because like every other enjoyable thing in life, romance is short and brief, and once you lose it you can't get it back. I disagree with this author. if there are any long lasting enjoyable things, it is definitely romance. There are many long lasting marriages in the world today. If love and romance did last for only a little while, then people would be getting divorces left and right. Also, the old couples that are still together are not dumb enough to stay in a relationship for a very long time after the "flame has gone" so to speak.

  4. Matthew Krawetz
    W.B. Yeats is saying that you should never give your heart up to anyone because true love is a fictional thing. Therefore his view on love is a negative one. He goes on to say that the person you kiss and think you love is not what you think and you are just a player in the game of love. He also says that everybody is oblivious to the fact that true love is not a real thing. I disagree with this statement because i feel that everyone is going to find the person of their dreams whether is be now or in 20 years, but when we do we'll know that they are the one.

  5. Julia Germani
    The author’s attitude toward romantic love is a very cynical one. W.B. Yeats argues that love is destructive. I don’t agree with his position. In my opinion this poem is unfairly prejudice and if I had to guess I would assume that this poem was a reaction to a personal romantic tragedy of his. While in a relationship I would think that his viewpoint would be completely different. If love damages a person, then was it really love at all? In conclusion, love is meant to be great and bring me people together not damage and separate them.

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  6. Anna Wahl
    The author’s attitude toward romantic love in this poem is negative because he is basically saying love never lasts forever. “It fades out from kiss to kiss” and “for everything that’s lovely is but a brief, dreamy, delight” are clear examples of this. I do not agree with W.B. Yeats opinion because I feel as though it is biased. If I had to guess I would believe that he had recently gone through a romantic tragedy and has this outlook on his own relationship and it only. If he had been in a good relationship his attitude in the poem probably would have been completely different. In conclusion, I believe that love is supposed to be a positive part of life and it can last forever if you want it to.

  7. Using this poem, the author expresses his fairly unenthusiastic view on the concept of romantic love. He begins by saying, “For everything that’s lovely is but a brief, dreamy, kind delight.” Clearly, the author does not believe that happiness or anything related, like love, can last, and that it is but a temporary high, never lasting and quick to pass. For this reason, one should not indulge himself or herself in something so silly and pointless. This opinion is very sardonic. Life is short, if something or someone makes you happy, go for it. Fall in love. Take a chance. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks; whether or not someone else believes it to be naïve or false is beside the point. When and if the relationship ends, it’s a learning experience. There’s no fun in being pessimistic all the time, it’s okay to enjoy what life has to offer.

  8. Derek Degnan
    W.B. Yeats' view on love is negative, but possibly biased. He could have gone through a previous emotional event that caused him to write this poem. The poem expresses his views on love, when it says that love can make you blind deaf and dumb, and that in the end you will regret it. I disagree with this opinion on love. Love is mostly a learning experience where people make mistakes that make others think of love as an evil and a bad feeling. In reality, love is not bad like people may say it is, but mistakes made by you or others can make people make love out to be evil and bad.

  9. Matthew Mardo
    The poet demonstrates his negative views toward the emotions of love by consistently describing the short happiness that is sure to slowly die out after the experience of love. W.B. Yeats does not have a positive outlook on love but rather describes his views on love from a personal experience. The poet states that his outlook is to be trusted because he endured the path that love takes everyone, stated by him saying, “He that made this knows all the cost, for he gave all his heart and lost.” Lines from the poem, such as the previous one, describe the heartbreak, sorrow, and loneliness that the poet believes is bound to come after an experience with love along with the short high after it. I disagree with the poet in the sense that all love is worth nothing and must end with sorrow. In my opinion, love can have meaning between people who share the same strong passion for one another. Despite the fact that love may die out, it does not make the love worthless. Although the poet says to, “never give the heart outright”, nothing in terms of love will ever happen to anyone if they do not take the chance and put themselves out there. This gamble with love is risky and great results can be found or, in this case with the author, the gamble can be lost and sorrow is of result.

  10. Sean Doris
    I think that W. B. Yeats view about love is negative. In my opinion I think that W. B. Yeats just think that he maybe had a bad experience were he had fallen in love and given all his love to, however, his heart was broken. For instants, he wrote. “If deaf and dumb and blind with love? He that made this knows all the cost, For he gave all his heart and lost”, from this part of the poem I believe that he was trying to say that falling love was bad because sometimes you can be blinded or not aware of what is happening around you. In addition, when he says “he gave all his heart and lost” I think he means don’t always give all your heart to someone because it cannot always turn out the way you wanted it to. Therefore I disagree with W. B. Yeats because I believe that no matter what if you truly love someone then you should devote all your love in your heart. Also, if you did get hurt you wouldn’t then you shouldn’t worry because obviously if you were hurt by the person then it wasn’t true love. This is why I disagree with the author’s poem.

  11. Alexis Alexander
    The author views love, or giving your all into a love affair, as a negative thing. He explains how one should never give their whole heart away to love because they will never prosper in the end. Yeats believes love to be a wistful dream that only lasts a brief period of time. Therefore, one would be a fool to put so much thought or feeling into it.He most likely had a bad experience with love himself, and maybe he is the "he" that he refers to in the end of the poem. "He that made this knows all the cost,
    For he gave all his heart and lost." I however, do not agree with Yeats at all. Just because he was most likely in a unsuccessful relationship that ended poorly, does not mean that all relationships are doomed. If two people are in love with one another, then I believe that's worth more than anything else and they should give it their all. Love does not have to have an unfortunate ending, but it can not always work out. If love always had worked, it wouldn't be so precious.Love can be worth it and one just has to sacrifice sometimes in order to find out.

  12. Erika Jeffers
    The author of this poem uses the poem to convey and express his negative outlook on love and romance. The tone through out the poem is negative and critical towards romance, and points out several negative aspects of relationships and love. "it fades out from kiss to kiss". This line is saying that as time goes on, love fades. The line is saying that love fades, romance dies, and people get used to one another. The poem overall is stating that love takes over poeple's minds, and even makes people stupid. The author uses several strong examples and mataphors throughout the piece to back up his negative and pessimistic view on love and romance.

  13. Jenn Salvadore
    The author is very prejudice toward romantic love and feels as if it does not exist. W. B. Yeats believes that love can not last forever, meaning that one will eventually get hurt, leaving them in sadness and sorrow. In other words, what is the point of love in the first place if you are going to get betrayed in the end? However, I disagree with his position. Love can last forever if you want it to. The author most likely wrote this poem after he was hurt and devastated due to a "romantic tragedy", causing him to feel hatred towards the concept of love. Also, he could be feeling hopeless since his relationship didn't workout. Yeats states not to give ones heart because you could end up losing it. This is not always the case because if you truly love someone, you will devote your heart to one person and your love can last forever.

  14. Delaney Cavanaugh
    In this poem the author views love as a negative thing. Throughout the entire poem W.B Yeats refers to love as a never lasting thing. Love is never said to last forever, seems to be the main theme Yeats is trying to convey. Yet, if this is said to be true then does that mean nobody truly loves anybody? The poet tells the reader to never give their whole heart away, because they will only end up hurt. Yeats most likely was in a previous relationship that did not end well, therefore he does not think that anybody can be can love each other so much it will last forever. I however disagree with the poets view on love because i think there will and can be one person who you will love with your whole heart, and will be able to give them all your love. Everybody is different, and falls in love differently but all in all love is what it is.

  15. Samantha Leal
    As most people have stated, the author of this poem has negative views on romantic love. W. B. Yeats believes that you can't completely devote yourself to someone because in the long run you'll get yourself hurt. In some cases this can be true, however, it's okay to sometimes be hurt because it is a learning experience. If you never completely devote yourself you will never have true romantic love. He also dates that love fades away as time goes on but this is not the same case for everyone. Even though it doesn't work out for everyone some people may have a long healthy relationship. Despite what W. B. Yeats believes about romantic love not lasting and hurting people, it is not necessarily true for every situation.

  16. Victoria Lane
    This poem is sending the message that love takes over us and hides us from reality. Stating that all love ends in tradegy. The authors opinion comes off as that he believes love does not last forever and that one shall not give all its love because sooner or later it will come to a conclusion. I disagree with W.B. Yeats view on love because even though sometimes love might end it doesnt all the time, and was it even true love if it ended in first place. also one must give its all to try and see if the love is real. Not all love ends in someone getting hurt like Yeats states in his poem because as you see in everday life people get married and live the rest of there life together, happy and in love

  17. Nicole Carpenter
    According to this poem, it is clear that the author, Yeats, views whole hearted love in a negative way. In some ways I completely agree with Yeats. One should shield their heart even in the slightest bit from love. If you are fully devoted to a relationship that is one-sided, chances are that you will be hurt. The less of your heart you openly give to another person, the less of a chance there is that you will be hurt. In other cases, I disagree with Yeats. If you are in a loving relationship, with both members fully devoted to each other for a period of time, it is okay to fully give them your heart. Even if they end up hurting you in the end, if you loved them enough to give them your whole heart, it wasn't for nothing.

  18. Rebecca Brierly
    W. B. Yeats expresses his negative view of romantic love in this poem. He states that love will not last forever and is a waste of time. An example of this is when he says, "for everything that's lovely, is but a brief, dreamy, delight". He believes that love is nothing but a game and it is a waste of time to involve yourself with it. I believe his view on this is rather biased. W. B. Yeats most likely went through a tragedy involving love, before he wrote this, causing to have a negative view on the situation. I believe romantic love is something to enjoy in life. Of coarse there will be mistakes along the way but you can learn from these mistakes. Love is often a good thing. Therefore I believe that romantic love is a positive thing and I disagree with the author's view.

  19. Jordan Delisle, Period G

    The author’s attitude of romantic love seems to be negative, but the poem that he wrote seems to be a warning. W.B. Yeats could have written this poem in a dark time in his life (most likely after a bad breakup), and decided to give his opinion on love through a poem. This results in a negative tone towards the reader. It also seems to me that W.B. Yeats is sending out a message of warning to us younger people, who fall in love so easily and carelessly, that you have to watch out for your heart when in a relationship with another person. If you give all of your heart into a relationship, yet your partner doesn’t give enough, then you will end up with a broken heart and feeling empty and/or alone. Overall, I feel that W.B. Yeats had a negative tone in this poem, and that the poem was originated to warn the audience that love can be a dangerous place.

  20. Margaux Bessette
    In my opinion, the author of this po has a negitive view of love. They believe love is not worth the struggle. I know this this because they say "for love will hardly seem worth thinking of". I disagree with this author and think love is always worth it no matter what the struggle. Also I believe that love is about loss and struggle but it always pulls through in the end.
